One thing I like about growing up is realizing how complex everyone's lives really are.
As a kid you see the world and you often wonder why things are the way they are. Why is aunt so-and-so not married? Why did the couple next door never have kids? Why does so-and-so work a minimum wage job at thirty? Why did the couple across the street get divorced? Why did so-and-so have to move away?
They're mundane things, really, and as a kid they don't mean anything to you. Because they don't concern you. But you wonder.
But as you get older, become an adult, so much more becomes clear.
You see your friends and acquaintances in these situations. And some how it all makes sense.
You might never know why things are the way they are. But you can make guesses. Because you yourself probably fit into one of those mystery adult categories.
And somehow, no matter how painful or difficult things get, everything is a lot more interesting.