Monday, April 15, 2013


1. As much as I don't get offended easily, I get hurt easily, if that makes any sense.

2. I don't know what that scary sound is outside but I really hope it's the neighbour vacuuming or something. Or waxing her floors? I can deal with that kind of stuff.

3. I rewatched the entirety of Magic Knight Rayearth (both seasons) and I'm not gonna lie, I'm super disappointed with the ending. Like what is this. Just no. I think the manga has a better ending. Gotta find and pick those up in the near future. But still. I need to talk to Akane and rant about what the hell that was all about because I love her and she understands my frustrations about these things lol.

4. It's interesting rewatching an anime series ten years later. You notice a lot more psychologically fucked up things the second time around. And all the recurring themes and cultural references. It really makes you wanna write up a master's thesis about all this shit. Or maybe that's me.

5. The thing about going back to school after finishing university, etc, is that everyone is really young. Including the boys you find cute. Fuck.

6. The muscles between my ass and my leg have been hurting for weeks and it's no good. Bah!

7. I'm going to try to ingest my recommended daily calorie intake everyday. Or more. Gotta gain weight.

8. You see something you want and you don't know how to achieve your goal. You are paralyzed with fear and you just don't know how to go about it. And you wait for the window of opportunity to close itself so you can go back to hoping and dreaming because it just feels safer.

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