I found a list of albums you posted and said were your personal albums of the year. I listened to a couple and they are fantastic. And it makes me want to see you again. It makes me want to talk to you. It makes me want to know that you don't hate me. That maybe you even love me.
But you probably don't.
Because you said you don't love anyone.
The thing about music is that you can fall completely and utterly in love with a song. The melody, the lyrics, the fantastic merging of instruments and voice. You can know in an instant that nothing can come between you.
I've never loved people the way I love some songs.
I remember being in your room. You would turn off the lights and just let the music play. And you'd hold me and we'd dance and in that instant everything was perfect.
I wonder sometimes about you, and how you are. But I wonder more about what that music was called. What it sounded like exactly.
I miss it more than you.
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