Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stop Drop and Roll

In the same way that there are people you absolutely can't stand for absolutely no reason, there are people that you absolutely love, and you just can't explain why.

Even if you barely know the person. Even if you live in completely different worlds. There's just something about them that makes you think, "This is a person I'd like to get to know better." And when that person makes an effort to want to see you, want to talk to you, it means the world to you.

Because it's the small things in life that really count. For better or for worse. And when you're having an emotionally bad day, and one of those people wants to see you, out of the blue, it doesn't matter how much work you should be doing, you drop everything to see that person, and you just feel so much better, even if only for an instant.

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