Friday, October 22, 2010

Eine kleine Nachtmusik

You can tell a lot about a person based on the kind of music they listen to.

I, personally, go through music phases pretty regularly. However, the biggies seem to last, year after year. I used to see myself as having a musical holy trinity, made up of Morrissey, David Bowie, and Tom Waits. Although I listen to these three much less than I used to, they will always hold a dear place in my heart.

If I had to recreate my trinity based on my most listened to musicians at the moment, it would consist of Blonde Redhead, Lady Gaga and The Smiths. The Smiths represent the me that people see: sarcastic, lost, awkward, and bitter. Lady Gaga represents what I want to be: strong, confident, fearless. And Blonde Redhead represents the reality of my soul: wispy, weird, mystical, and an acquired taste.


  1. i started reading your blog too ;)
    Pinky, so you've fallen to the dark side!
    I like classical music and opera... and surprisingly I like many other types of music depending on my mood. What does it tell you about me? :P

  2. Hehehe... technically i did have a blog before this... but it was sorta crappy and no one knew about it. I'm happy I deleted it lol.

    I went through a classical music phase when I was really little... back when I started playing piano... Opera, on the other hand, was never my thing :P

    Your musical tastes, to me, make it seem like you have very refined tastes. You like things of quality, that last a long time, and that people respect in general. You're not afraid to be different (because we all know classical & opera are not mainstream...) but still appreciate things that a large mass of people can recognize and understand. You like my analysis? :P
