Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Plaid In The Office?

When you stand out, strangers have a tendency to talk to you.

Today, while I was waiting for the metro, some guy started talking to me, telling me that he had never seen tights like mine. I was wearing plaid tights, which I guess are some sort of rarity here in Montreal.

"You must be a student, right? Because, you couldn't wear those in an office."

I'm used to weird comments, so this one wasn't too out of the ordinary. The guy kept talking about all kinds of stuff, but to be honest, with my iPod-ruined ears, his low voice, and the fact that we were on a moving metro, I didn't really understand half the things he was saying. But what he did say, on his way out, was that I should never give up on my dreams.

I feel like his opening and parting words were very contradictory. How do you first tell me that the way I dress is not work-friendly, but that I should never give up on my life goals? Well, one of my goals in life is to not have to change myself for others. How does that work then?

Is it only okay to be yourself when you are someone who can easily become a member of society? Or is he actually encouraging me to break through boundaries and wear plaid tights to an office job? Or is he just some weirdo taking the metro, talking to me because I am a fellow weirdo?


  1. maybe he's just bitter about his office dress code, and secretly hoped that you worked in an office too. he just wants to find the magical plaid tights office!

  2. That must be it! I hadn't thought of that XD
