Thursday, June 23, 2011

I feel like if I go back in September, that would be me giving up.

But some days I just want to give up.

I'm so lost.


  1. No matter what you decide, you are not giving up. You are courageous for leaving your home in the first place to go live in a foreign country all on your own. Not only that, you have been extremely brave for staying despite everything that has happened. You didn't give up, and if you want to come home in September then you are certainly not giving up anything. We will support you in whatever decision you make.

  2. I understand what you're feeling because I feel the same about Korea... but think of it this way: you've come this far which is more than most people could ever say or dream of. What you've done is an accomplishment in itself. Everyone needs to charge their batteries sometimes too. Leaving wouldn't be like giving up, I'd see it as a way to charge your batteries to come back stronger. No matter what your friends (that's me) and your family (that looks like the person whose comment preceded mine) will support you.

  3. Don't think of it as giving up. Think of it like this: you've had a great experience and you'll be able to look back on it and move forward to other new and exciting things. Coming back doesn't mean you're giving up - it just means it's time for a change!
