Sunday, February 10, 2013


1. Finally bought myself a washing machine today! I am extremely bad at making decisions so I was very hesitant about it for a long time. So I decided to go for the cutest, smallest, cheapest one I could find. Let's hope to God it works well! Gotta wait almost a week for it to come in though... But at least it's on its way!

2. I decided to be one of those annoying "But I saw it cheaper at another store!" customers today. I've always sorta disliked people who did that. But, to be fair, there was a sign saying that "If another store sells it for even one yen cheaper, tell our staff!" Well their competitor was selling the same washing machine for ¥7000 cheaper (maybe about $80) so I thought it was fair. Got me free shipping too!

3. I really hate bad customer service. And as much as Japanese customer service is extremely good, as a gaijin, they tend to run away from you in big electronic stores. I know that they are afraid to approach me because they don't think they can communicate with me. But please at least try. If I'm looking at things like washing machines, it sure as hell doesn't mean I'm a tourist looking for a gift to bring home. Which means I live in Japan. Which means it isn't impossible for me to speak Japanese. So please just try. I do speak it. And you might even get the sale. But I really hate having to chase down employees who are clearly free to help customers. Please do your job to include helping ALL your customers, not just the ones of your choice. And I'll do my job as a customer to purchase things, encourage your business, and help you keep your job stable.

4. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I need to get up and get work done. I need to get out of my apartment more. I feel like I've sunken into living-alone-depression. I remember getting into this kind of awful rut the first time my roommate went back to Europe. Only it was like 10x worse that time. But it's hard living alone. It really is. As much as I do love my new little apartment, it isn't the same. I have no one to talk to. And I love to talk. To talk about mundane unimportant daily life stuff. And now that just has to stay in my head and ferment there.

5. I hate seeing talented people who are younger than me do awesome things with their lives. Or at least take charge. I'm feeling particularly sorry for myself these days and it's just no good.

6. I am so behind in school stuff that I just don't know what to do anymore. And I need to get another job to be able to afford school in the future. Cause I have no idea how I'm going to afford my third year. But I can't get another job if I can't get my work done. And I keep feeling like crap too. I've had a migraine for two days now and I'd be really surprised if it's gone by tomorrow. And I just have no energy ever and I'm just not sure how to deal with these relatively small things that I wonder how I'm going to survive the real world once I get out of school.

7. I'm trying to learn not to get angry about things that can't be changed. And to not ask questions to which I don't want to know the answers. But I feel this is just another form of denial.

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