Saturday, February 23, 2013


1. I've stopped going after guys. For the first time in a long time, I don't like anyone, which is significant because I usually like more than one guy at a time. But right now, no one, and it feels sort of refreshing. I hope I can keep this going for a while.

2. I saw you today and it was really fun. You were acting mean, but in a playful way, and it was really nice. I've missed this and I want to see you more. But I really feel like I've gotten over you in a big way. Not to say that there isn't hope for something in the future. But for now, I've put my feelings away somewhere. Not out of anger or bitterness, but maybe just out of fatigue. Not just for you, but for all guys. It's your turn if you want. And if you don't want then too bad for you. Just keep being fun, and I'll be happy.

3. How come it's taken me this long to buy Heattech from Uniqlo?! Absolutely worth the ¥790. Hot as shit in the metro though!

4. I really hope to God that all this weird health stuff is all stress-related. Positive thinking, positive thinking!

5. I love shoulder pads more than should probably be allowed. Hehehehehehehe ♡

6. I know some pretty cool people and gotta work harder to become a cool person myself. :)

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