Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another Day to Myself

I took another day for me today.

I was supposed to go to some fashion event. And truth be told, I thought it was going to be a really interesting event too. But for the last couple of days I had been sort of out of it, so I thought it best to just take some time for myself again. Spent hours in a coffee shop near my place, then jetted off to my friend's end of town for some more coffee and katsudon. And I was content.

It still hasn't quite sunk in that Friday is my graduation from my language school. And that a month from now I'm going to be starting another chapter of my academic life. And that that new chapter will be all kinds of terrifying... But at this exact moment I'm really too zen to stress out about that.

In other news, I've really gotten into Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood. It took me forever to get through the first book (it's separated into two volumes in the Japanese version), but near the end of the first volume I started to really like it, and I've been speeding through the second one. If you know anything about me and books, you'd know that I don't read. Ever. So this is some sort of huge deal lol. But that being said, as I reach the end of the book I can't help but feel sort of sad, and sort of reluctant to try and read more of it right now. I could probably finish it tonight if I wanted to, but do I want to deal with the sadness that comes with finishing a book (especially because I know that the end of this one isn't particularly happy)? Granted, I guess it's better to finish it at home than speed-reading it in the train... hmm... (though talking about reading in a train, this book is filled with way more sex than I had originally anticipated, which makes reading it on the train a little awkward haha). Well it's either reading or FB for the next couple of hours, so I guess I'll try and get a few more pages in before calling it a night. おやすみ〜!☆

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