Friday, January 3, 2014


1. I wonder if I'm not too young to be this bitter about things.

2. I went home for Christmas and that was great and all, but I'm realizing I'm having more and more trouble connecting to people. I don't know if Tokyo has made me cold, or if too much time has passed.

3. Coming back to Tokyo meant coming back to all my fears and paranoia apparently. Not sure what to do to be honest...

4. Just to be clear, these paranoias are not brought on by living in Tokyo. But going back to Tokyo meant going back to real life, thus back to all the problems I left behind when I went home for Christmas. Not great, but that's life and I guess I'll just have to deal with things one at a time.

5. I was freaking out about having to renew my gaijin card for the last month or so, then showed it to M at Starbucks today and he was like 'Yo this is good till 2015... YOU HAVE ANOTHER YEAR YOU KNOW!' Somehow I had completely forgotten about the existence of 2014.... Whoops.

6. My mother fabric softened my Morrissey sweater. I don't know how Morrissey would think of all this.

7. After losing most of my music in the great laptop crash of 2012, I was finally reunited with a bunch of old music over the holidays. And not gonna lie, my collection of super early Bowie stuff (circa late 60s, early 70s) is pretty much the best thing ever right now. Most people only know his major stuff or his popular stuff, which is obviously great, but his very first album is just adorable and cute and baaah.

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