Saturday, July 23, 2011

Step One

Today was one of those days where everything seemed to piss me off.

But what always seems to piss you off the most is when someone tells you what you've already known for a while, but have been too in denial about to really accept it as a fact.

You're not good enough.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Other people have bigger problems.

You have to work harder.

If you don't do it yourself, no one will do it for you.

No one likes hearing these sorts of things. Because they're true, and you know they're true. And that's why you pretend they aren't.

That being said, I'm starting to really think that advice is worst received when you're completely lost and frustrated. Because more often than not it just gets you upset or more frustrated and lost.

But if that's the case, that just completely proves how alone we really are in the world, and how our lives are shaped by the decisions that we make for ourselves. And that is why we will forever be at step one.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, seriously Pinky, how can you be worried about your unplanned near futur in a foreign land with no one to support you, while I'm here trying to figure out whether my new jeans make me look fat or not! You should just stop bitchng you know.

    Some people have really poor advice giving skills. Giving advice makes people feel better about themselves how they knew better and how it justifies their vakues, and isn't always for the person needing it. So fuck everyone who piss you off. You already know what you need to know.
