Sunday, October 27, 2013


1. The worst thing about having a bad dream is that it ends up staying with you all day. It's always in the back of your mind and you can't get away.

2. I probably spent about 60 hours at school this week, plus 8 hours or so on Saturday. All more or less mandatory. Followed by at most 5-6 hours of sleep a night. All good practice for real Japanese company life, I've been told. I'm terrified, but I'm learning to deal with it. One more week of this and we should be back to normal though.

3. On my days off I'm just always so fucking lazy and unproductive that I feel like I just end up wasting my free time. But somehow random mental health days always work wonders. But I can't afford to skip school these days so I guess I'll have to take what I can get.

4. It might be time for my yearly hair cut.

5. I may overthink and overanalyze everything, but that might not always be a bad thing.

6. I want to read more in Japanese and in French but there isn't really anything specific that I want to read right now which makes this somewhat difficult. For me, if I'm not really excited by a book, I won't get through the first few pages, so even though I really want to read more, I don't know where to start, I worry about buying books for nothing, and then I just don't end up reading at all.

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