Monday, September 30, 2013


1. In the same way I would assume you would want your parents to like the guy you're with, you want your friends to be equally enthusiastic about whatever tiny encounters or excitements you might have. Somehow you inevitably crave the approval of the group. But a tiny put-down seems to bother you forever, even if it really shouldn't. It's been one of those kinds of days.

2. I hope tomorrow will be awesome. I hope Friday went as well as I hope it did. I hope it's mutual.

3. I don't like always being by myself, but there are some advantages to going places alone. You meet people you may have never met otherwise.

4. I found the perfect Christmas gift for a couple of friends, but it isn't even October yet so I gotta just hold on and not do anything for a few weeks. I hope that if I do go through with it, it'll get me all the intended laughs, and with some luck, some actual usage.

5. I have three hair brushes and 4 sets of tweezers and there are times when I find neither of either of them.

6. Reading a manga about the end of the world centering around Tokyo is cool and all when you live in  North America, but is terrifying when you actually live in Tokyo.

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