Sunday, January 23, 2011

Off Days and キムタク

I had a bit of an off day today. I woke up a bit hungover from last night's fun (we izakaya'ed, then karaoke'd till 4 am XD), but luckily I felt better by the time I left my place. I didn't really want to spend much money, so I decided to just stay in Ikebukuro and explore a little.

On off-days, I prefer to do things by myself. Sure, that in itself makes me feel lonely, but when I hang out with friends on such days, I'm often sort of irritable and snappy, and it's no good for anyone. At least walking lets me reflect on things and think...

I really like Ikebukuro. I live in the quiet part, but am in walking distance from Sunshine City and all the other fun places around that area. I must say, I love how much I've been walking lately. I love the temperature outside. I love the lack of snow. I love how much stuff is everywhere. I love how you'll be walking down big streets and see tiny streets packed with stores and restaurants in between. I love how sometimes you'll be walking through modern Tokyo and BAM you hit a temple or shrine in between two buildings. That's one of the things I find most interesting about Japan... its ability to merge traditional and modern. Somehow it all works quite well, or at least little, ignorant me seems to think so ^^;

I have recently become somewhat obsessed with Kimura Takuya. I blame the fact that his face and name are pretty much everywhere I go. Hell, 「キムタク」even made a guest appearance in one of my textbooks the other day... So I decided to go to Book Off today to see what kind of SMAP albums they had. They had a ton at 250¥ a pop. I bought a couple and ended up really liking them, so I might go back tomorrow to pick up some more ^^ I can't say that SMAP is any kind of musical masterpiece, but they're fun and catchy, and I need a bit of that in my life ^^

This is キムタク btw. Isn't he sexy? XD

Talking about music, I finally picked up my ticket to see Blonde Redhead on Thursday. I'm sorta excited to experience my first Japanese concert ^^ I don't expect it to be tooo wild, just because they're not pop-y or rock or anything like that... Either way, I'll keep you all posted on how it goes ^^

All in all, my day wasn't bad at all, it was just one of those days when you question everything and wonder what everything means. The only extremely bad part of the day was me squishing my finger in the door frame. Somehow I closed my finger in my door. I thought it was going to snap off... It hurt so badly I thought I was going to faint... :S Thankfully, it wasn't all that bad, and one of my dorm-mates hooked me up with some ice... so it looks normal again... I wonder what kind of bruise I'll have tomorrow ^^;;

1 comment:

  1. Pinky! I hope your finger feels better! It sounds like you're having a pretty great time exploring the city. Now I REALLY want to go to Japan. Your neighbourhood seems really cool. Keep enjoying every moment! Nine months goes by really quickly...
