Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Don't Wanna Grow Up...

...I'm a Toys 'R' Us Kid.....

or something like that.

No, but seriously, when did everyone grow up?

Lately when doing the usual rounds of facebook stalking old high school peers, I've noticed that everyone looks... well... grown up. And it's just sort of weird.

People are graduating university, going to grad school, doing internships, getting real jobs, moving in with boyfriends, getting married.... And yet I sort of feel like I'm in a completely different world.

In some ways, I almost am, too. Living halfway around the world is hard to imagine. Not because it's so alien and foreign, but for the exact opposite reason: it's the same. Sure, things are different, but not enough for me to really realize how far away I live from everything I've ever known. Every now and then I have the horrifying realization that I live in Asia. I don't mean 'horrifying' in a bad way though. But 'horrifying' in a I-can't-believe-I'm-literally-on-the-opposite-side-of-the-world way. Maybe it's because no matter where you are, you're always with yourself, so you can't really feel the distance. Or maybe it's just me.

What I've come to learn about life is that people live different kinds of lives, and there's no real right or wrong way to go about it. I obviously sometimes feel jealous of the girls I went to high school with who look their age and seem like they're carelessly enjoying their twenties, when here I am, conflicted over what the next step should be for me in the great game of life. But at the same time, I'm sort of happy that my life is so different from theirs. It's a sort of source of pride, I guess you could say.

So perhaps I don't look like I'm twenty-three. But so what. I'll look hot at fifty.

1 comment:

  1. And you don't have to! :) It is what makes you different, and we need difference in order to help all these people who are exactly the same. I'm sure a grown-up brain in a childish person is much more able to bring something new to this world than any plain adult. Keep being a kid as long as you want! :)
