Monday, May 30, 2011

Simple Pleasures 2

There are many things that I wish I could change about my life, but there are very few things that I regret.

That being said, quitting the piano is very possibly my biggest life regret up until now.

Although I'm not the biggest classical music fan, there's something altogether entrancing about the sound of the piano. Though perhaps it's just me.

No one knows this, but that's one of the reasons I love studying at the Caffe Veloce near my place. Each Veloce has a somewhat different soundtrack that plays, but the one closest to where I live plays this wonderful piano music. I never wear headphones when I study there... I'm just so happy to be listening to what they have to offer.

So as I study dreadful Japanese grammar in my tiny dorm room, I drown out the yelling children that surround the maze of apartment complexes with calming music from Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain and am at peace.


  1. I know what you mean, I love the piano! It's just so soothing and relaxing. And the Amelie soundtrack is wonderful. I remember back in the day of myspace I used to have this as my background music.

  2. I LOVE la Valse D'Amélie. I have the whole movie soundtrack that I force people at work to listen to... oh wait... I work all alone lol.
