Sunday, February 24, 2013


1. I don't understand people who send comments to people on tumblr saying shit like "I love you" or "Your blog inspires me" when the people only fucking post pictures that other people took. Dude, where's the inspiration there? Get lives, people, love your friends, your families, the music on the radio, whatever, but just, I don't even know. I just go to tumblr to look at pictures, man. Some blogs have nice pictures and I follow. Some don't and I don't follow.  But honestly, why? Why comment? I just don't get it.

2. Everyone in the province of Quebec just needs to chill. About everything. Yes, the English are oppressed. Yes, the French are oppressed. Everyone's oppressed! Let's just all take a breather and maybe look towards a beneficial solution instead of just posting hate everywhere. On both sides. Yes, I might live on the other side of the world, and so maybe everything just seems so much simpler when you don't have to deal with the problem directly. But fuck man, I'm tired of all the annoying crap that shows up on my FB all the time. Things like "I can't wait to leave this province", or "Thank God I left before it got like this". I understand you're all frustrated, and I've been there. But I just.. I just don't know. Honestly, nothing will ever get solved until BOTH the English AND the French school boards are abolished and replaced by a fully bilingual one. I honestly believe that is the only way of saving the province from a lot of problems and being able to move forward towards becoming a more accepting place for EVERYONE. Not just the English, not just the French, but EVERYONE. This is not open for discussion on this blog. I just need a place to rant because if I post this on FB (which I really would like to), it's going to become another political debate and I'm really not  looking for one of those right now. Pinky rant out.

3. I saw a guy carrying a meerkat dressed like donald duck, on his shoulder in the middle of Shibuya yesterday. You have no idea how much I regret not taking a picture. 


  1. People rarely make rational and analytical comments when shit like that happen. I mean, yes, it's scary and all, but those "I can't wait to get out" comments are just fucking brainless and insulting for those who have any attachment to this space.

    People are stupid most of the time.

    1. Agreed. People are dumb and things are crazy and living far away helps put everything into perspective.

      And I miss you. ♡
