Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Long-Awaited Update

I really didn't plan on disappearing for two months, but here's what happened in a nutshell.

1. The first few weeks of December were extremely stressful. Long story short, I had two weeks to get a ton of neglected schoolwork done and handed in before heading back to Montreal for Christmas. At this time, my computer decides to die... as well... Baah. Anyways, go into turbo mode and manage to get everything in on time!

2. Literally the night I get home from handing everything in, I get stomach flu. Which sucks anytime, but is extremely worrisome when you get it only days before having to get on a huge international journey across the planet. I miraculously recover in time for my flight. There is a God.

3. Get on the scariest flight of my life. So. Much. Turbulence. Never ever want to experience that again.

4. Get back home to Montreal, have fun with family and friends for a week and a half. Lots of fun was had. Yay!

5. Literally within the first hour of landing back in Tokyo, I get a message from my roommate saying that we have a big problem with our apartment. Not wanting to give me the details over Line, he tells me that it has to do with us needing to move and that he'll tell me over coffee when I make it back to Shinjuku. Finally get told that we have one month to vacate our apartment and find a new place. But it's three days before New Years. Which means all the real estate agents are closed for the holidays. Which wouldn't be such a big deal if we were Japanese. Or full-time workers. But two gaijin students? Pretty much spells real estate disaster. Keep in mind, all this is being told to me fresh off the boat (or airplane), luggage still in hand. Baah.

6. Long story short: Panic mode and broken hearts. And a new computer. Things were complicated, so we ended up going for two different apartments. Which is sad, but I guess that's life.


8. I officially now have internet in my apartment as of today. Yay!

9. In completely other news, I have finals this week and I need to find a way to motivate myself into studying. Planned on studying all day today, but the weather was sooo nice, I just couldn't stand the idea of staying cooped up (It was something like 15C! On February 2nd!!) So I walked around Harajuku, then came home and did bad things (i.e. watched my American TV shows...)

10. I really love Zooey Deschanel. I feel like this has to be said a lot. Because I really like her. And yeah. To keep me busy on the plane ride to Toronto (i.e. to keep me from freaking out during awful turbulence), I started watching New Girl. It's not the best show in the world, but I really love all the main characters, so I'm enjoying it.

11. Talking about New Girl, obviously my favorite character is the Jewish guy. For a Catholic girl like myself, I sure have liked a lot of Jewish guys in my life. I swear, if I don't end up marrying one, I think I might be a little disappointed. It's not that I have a fetish or anything though! lol It just that the guys I like often end up being Jewish. Nothing wrong with that :P

12. Thanks to Sa♡chan for the really nice reply on my last post. I really meant to respond, but then all the above crap happened and I just wasn't able to. But really, thank you! :)

I guess that's it for today. My ass is getting numb from sitting on the floor and my textbooks want some attention. Wish me luck on my finals! :)

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