Saturday, October 13, 2012


I'm way too distracted these days to write long posts, so I think I'll steal Akane's format and just make lists for a while. They're pretty good at supplying the world with updates.


1. I took a nice long walk all around Shibuya Ward today. I like seeing how the big parts of the city attach to the little parts and I love just walking in a straight line and seeing where it takes me.

2. I should have done 1 without carrying my 5kg bag on my shoulder the whole time. Three hours of lugging that bag around wasn't the best idea ever. My right shoulder will be all kinds of worse tomorrow morning. Eff.

3. Life is a matter of perspective. A few days ago there was a 3.9 earthquake in Montreal and my FB was flooded with updates. The next day there was 5.0 earthquake in Chiba during class and my teacher  just looked up, said "oh, it's an earthquake" and everyone went back to doing what they were doing. And being on the seventh floor of the building, it shook quite a bit.

4. I really fucking hate PTSD. A year and a half later, I'm still shaking a lot. So everyone in Montreal talking about how "exciting" the earthquake was can go shove it.

5. Boys will forever be a mystery to me. It doesn't matter how old I get or how old they get. I don't get them. The end.

6. Everywhere I went today, I saw mixed couples and their children. Everywhere. I must have seen like a dozen of Gaijin-Japanese couples (and even a few that were Gaijin-Woman-Japanese-Man couples, which are extremely rare for those of you who don't know). Seeing couples isn't that weird. But, I swear, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAD KIDS WITH THEM. It was odd.

7. Autumn will never really come to Tokyo. It went up to like 25C or so today. But before you know it it's gonna get cold and it'll be winter. The nice-weather seasons really don't last in Tokyo and it's sad.

8. I'm happy with where I am right now. Things aren't easy and I'm very confused about what I want and where I'm going. But when I sit down and think about where I've gotten, I'm really kind of amazed. I need to work hard to keep this.


  1. This format makes is so easier to write ;)

    But yeah, the earthquake was surprising but I was more surprised of everyone's reaction. i guess because we're not used to it here...

    I'd love to walk around Shibuya with you for hours. That really sound like fun. i need to know Tokyo better.

    and I'm happy you're happy. You did achieve a lot, it's actually pretty amazing :D

  2. Next time you come we walk and walk and walk. It won't be summer so it'll totally be doable :D
