Thursday, March 7, 2013


1. I finally got my hands on a copy of 2046 and I'm super happy. Got it for ¥500 too! I had seen it in Montreal at Christmas and sorta hesitated buying it because they only had it subtitled in French. It wouldn't have really been a big problem getting it in French... but it was one of those just-not-what-you-were-looking-for-so-don't-wanna-buy-it kinda moments. Aaand at the same place they had it with English subtitles for rental only. So I was so close yet so far. So I decided against it. I figured if I'm going to get it subbed in a language that wasn't English, I'd rather get it with Japanese subtitles, because I had seen it in Tokyo months before, but hesitated and didn't end up picking it up.

2. Watched the DVD and actually understood most of it. Despite the fact that most of the movie is in Chinese and all of the subtitles were in Japanese. I'm a little proud of this. The fact that it was the second time I see the movie helps a lot. But still. 

3. Everyone needs to stop what they're doing and watch this movie. I couldn't tell you exactly what it's about, or what it all means, but it's definitely worth a watch, if not for the plot, but for the music and the visuals and Kimura Takuya. But I digress. It's a movie that makes you want to fall in love and then get torn apart by the twists and turns and the ugliness of it all. 

4. I like twisted love stories. I like movies with unique music. I like movies with vivid colors. I like high quality foreign movies. 

5. I like movies without a good guy or a bad guy. I like movies that are about people trying to understand their own lives.

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