Saturday, March 16, 2013


1. What was that about there being no room for a rice ball in a fruit basket? Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel today. I am a rice ball.

2. I'm learning to forget you, or at least detach. But sometimes you make me upset. Sometimes I don't want to see you.

3. This really better be PMS or I'm really just an emotionally unstable person. 

4. I'm starting to understand that sitting in seiza (tradition Japanese style/on your knees) is really all about utilizing vertical space. And for the last year or so, I have been living on floors and needing to use as much vertical space as possible. And so I've been sitting in seiza a lot. My knees aren't so happy about this.

5. I think a lot and overthink and overthink until I make myself miserable by all the overthinking I've done. But at least I don't look at things in a shallow and ignorant way. Though I'm not sure if this is always the healthiest way of living.

6. I routinely overanalyze the usage of certain words. I don't have favorite words, but I absolutely have words I hate. And they aren't words like 'cunt' or 'moist' or words that make most people uncomfortable. The words I hate are demeaning terms that people use freely because they don't understand how hurtful they can be. But maybe this isn't the time to bring them up. 

7. People probably see me as too sensitive. I take things personally. I get defensive easily. It's all true.

8. Sneezing when you're sitting cross-legged is way more painful than it should be. 

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