Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Vagina is a River in Egypt

My vagina and I have a love-hate relationship.

About a year and a half ago, I discovered that I had a rather crappy problem known as Vaginismus. Now not to bore you with all the knitty-gritty details, here's vaginismus (or as those who have it amicably call it, 'vag') in a nutshell:

Vag is pretty much a girly form of ED. Long story short, my vagina is like a high security prison: nothing is let in. It senses outside danger and is all "imma keep this place as closed as shit" and pretty much puts up a sort of wall of defence (almost literally too). The fun thing is that it's partially physical, and partially psychological, which makes it al kinds of fun to try to treat. What's great is that it's fully curable. What's less great is that it takes a really fucking long time to get over it, and if you have the motivation and drive like I do (which is to say, not very much), it could take years to get over it. Yaaaay, complications!

So, that's all great and dandy, Pinky, but why are you telling us this?

Well, boys and girls, I don't actually know why I am. Maybe it's because I don't really keep secrets from people and so there's no point in hiding this from the big bad world of the interwebs and such. Or maybe because I need to organize my thoughts about the subject, and how better to do it than with a bunch of strangers on the world wide web?

I guess what's become problematic is that over the last few months, I've been in a sort of denial state about the whole thing. For one, it's a self-diagnosed problem, so in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder if I've made all this shit up. But this is one of those rare things that seems pretty common to self-diagnose because a lot of doctors don't seem to know what the hell this is, cause it's sort of rare and seen more in psychology classes than medical ones. But I mean, in my defence, my self-diagnosis can't be all wrong. I've mentioned it to doctors who haven't told me that I was wrong. And I have other sorts of fun vaginal problems too! Yaay a package deal of vaginal fail~! Fun for the whole family!

In my denial, my busy schedule, and the fact that I pass out at 9 pm, I've pretty much stopped treating it too. And I don't plan on bringing my treatment kit with me to Japan either. So pretty much whatever small progress I've made up till now will be nullified over the next nine months, which means forget the idea of any sort of relationship while I'm abroad. Guys seem to think of sex as something of utmost importance, and because of my situation, it's honestly at the bottom of my list of what I need in a relationship.

For a long time I've sort of thought of myself as defective because of this. When something you've bought is defective, you bring it back to the store, they replace it for you, and once they get credited for said item, they throw it out in the trash. That's the harsh reality of defective things: they pretty much all get thrown out. And that's pretty much how my last relationship ended too. I find out I have this problem, and a week or so later, I get dumped. I got thrown out into the big garbage known as "let's just be friends." So obviously relationships (and guys and their shallowness) have left a bad taste in my mouth.

I guess this is why I love the manga Chobits so much. I loved it the first time I read it, many, many years ago, before the knowledge of my problem. When I reread it last year for a paper of mine, I fell in love with it all over again. I guess in my own twisted mind, half of the reason I've stopped treating it is because I want to find a Hideki-type guy, who will love me despite whatever imperfections and disabilities I may have. Because if you can't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best, right? Because curing myself would make it easy on them, right? But I can't help but thinking this is just another level of some sort of sadomasochistic denial. Clearly I like the idea of not only hurting a potential love interest because of my shortcomings, but I also want to get hurt when they are unable to deal with my problems.

I've become so used to being by myself in my life. I've never had a long-term relationship, and the boyfriends I have had were few and far between. And treating this problem is a constant reminder that there is a problem. I've finally started feeling good about myself again, after months of self-hate and major self-consciousness because of this crappy condition. Is it so wrong of me to just ignore the whole thing and just let fate run its course?


  1. I had heard about it but didn't know it required such a long healing process...

    But please, please DON'T talk about yourself like an object :( A condition is not something that is "not working well", it's just "working differently". I may sound like I live in dream world talking like this and reality is harsh indeed, but YOU have to be the last person to be harsh on yourself. The world does it enough for you.

    As for boys and sexuality - ugh - I know it is seemingly of utmost importance. Why don't you do the treatment for yourself? If it confuses you enough to write this, getting over it might actually help you feel better generally, regardless whether you're in a relationship or not. Sexuality, alas, is always part of relationships and loving someone, but it could be a positive experience.

    Forget about boys - treat yourself for you. Make yourself happy. You're beautiful and there's no one to take it away from you - not even a condition. Not even your vagina has the right to make you feel like you're not beautiful.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, as usual <3 <3 <3

    I like being myself, and I do actually like the way I look (after years of training and stuff), but sometimes I just start to reflect on everything that's wrong, and come up with blog entries like these. I don't try to dress to please guys, and I act myself all the time, but that never really works with guys... What sucks is that guys reject me/find me weird/whatever even before realizing what kind of baggage I have... >___>

    On websites and such, they boast how little time it takes to overcome it, but in reality, it's not so easy... You can be cured in "as few as six weeks" or "two weeks" depending on the type of treatment and the amount of money you'll pay. They have these two-week retreats that cost several thousands of dollars, but really sound like a bunch of bullshit to me. It CAN take a very short amount of time if you spend a whole lot of time per day working on it, or if your condition is very slight. But that doesn't seem to be the case for me at all >__>

    I was working on my treatment entirely for myself. But I guess I also sort of stopped it for myself. The shit part about the whole treatment is that it can never really be completed without a guy... to make sure everything works, if you know what i mean.... But how do you meet someone and explain to them this entire thing, and expect them to accept you as you are? >__<

    Like I said though, I'm not bringing the treatment tools with me when I move... namely because they look like four little dildos, and I don't really want that in my suitcase when crossing the border >___>;; So part of me feels like I sorta fucked up by not getting over it by now. I guess I could get similar tools while in Japan, but will I really find time or motivation for it?

    Wow, sorry this response sounds even more depressed than my actual blog... I guess I just woke up on the blah side of the bed... >___>
